The Operation Codes functions are (links to IBM site):
- ACQ (Acquire)
- ADD (Add)
- ADDDUR (Add Duration)
- ALLOC (Allocate Storage)
- ANDxx (And)
- BEGSR (Beginning of Subroutine)
- BITOFF (Set Bits Off)
- BITON (Set Bits On)
- CABxx (Compare and Branch)
- CALL (Call a Program)
- CALLB (Call a Bound Procedure)
- CALLP (Call a Prototyped Procedure or Program)
- CASxx (Conditionally Invoke Subroutine)
- CAT (Concatenate Two Strings)
- CHAIN (Random Retrieval from a File)
- CHECK (Check Characters)
- CHECKR (Check Reverse)
- CLEAR (Clear)
- CLOSE (Close Files)
- COMMIT (Commit)
- COMP (Compare)
- DATA-GEN (Generate a Document from a Variable)
- DATA-INTO (Parse a Document into a Variable)
- DEALLOC (Free Storage)
- DEFINE (Field Definition)
- DELETE (Delete Record)
- DIV (Divide)
- DO (Do)
- DOU (Do Until)
- DOUxx (Do Until)
- DOW (Do While)
- DOWxx (Do While)
- DSPLY (Display Message)
- DUMP (Program Dump)
- ELSE (Else)
- ELSEIF (Else If)
- ENDyy (End a Structured Group)
- ENDSR (End of Subroutine)
- EVAL (Evaluate expression)
- EVALR (Evaluate expression, right adjust)
- EVAL-CORR (Assign corresponding subfields)
- EXCEPT (Calculation Time Output)
- EXFMT (Write/Then Read Format)
- EXSR (Invoke Subroutine)
- EXTRCT (Extract Date/Time/Timestamp)
- FEOD (Force End of Data)
- FOR (For)
- FOR-EACH (For Each)
- FORCE (Force a Certain File to Be Read Next Cycle)
- GOTO (Go To)
- IF (If)
- IFxx (If)
- IN (Retrieve a Data Area)
- ITER (Iterate)
- KFLD (Define Parts of a Key)
- KLIST (Define a Composite Key)
- LEAVE (Leave a Do/For Group)
- LEAVESR (Leave a Subroutine)
- LOOKUP (Look Up a Table or Array Element)
- MHHZO (Move High to High Zone)
- MHLZO (Move High to Low Zone)
- MLHZO (Move Low to High Zone)
- MLLZO (Move Low to Low Zone)
- MONITOR (Begin a Monitor Group)
- MOVE (Move)
- MOVEA (Move Array)
- MOVEL (Move Left)
- MULT (Multiply)
- MVR (Move Remainder)
- NEXT (Next)
- OCCUR (Set/Get Occurrence of a Data Structure)
- ON-ERROR (On Error)
- ON-EXIT (On Exit)
- OPEN (Open File for Processing)
- ORxx (Or)
- OTHER (Otherwise Select)
- OUT (Write a Data Area)
- PARM (Identify Parameters)
- PLIST (Identify a Parameter List)
- POST (Post)
- READ (Read a Record)
- READC (Read Next Changed Record)
- READE (Read Equal Key)
- READP (Read Prior Record)
- READPE (Read Prior Equal)
- REALLOC (Reallocate Storage with New Length)
- REL (Release)
- RESET (Reset)
- RETURN (Return to Caller)
- ROLBK (Roll Back)
- SCAN (Scan String)
- SELECT (Begin a Select Group)
- SETGT (Set Greater Than)
- SETLL (Set Lower Limit)
- SETOFF (Set Indicator Off)
- SETON (Set Indicator On)
- SHTDN (Shut Down)
- SORTA (Sort an Array)
- SQRT (Square Root)
- SUB (Subtract)
- SUBDUR (Subtract Duration)
- SUBST (Substring)
- TAG (Tag)
- TEST (Test Date/Time/Timestamp)
- TESTB (Test Bit)
- TESTN (Test Numeric)
- TESTZ (Test Zone)
- TIME (Retrieve Time and Date)
- UNLOCK (Unlock a Data Area or Release a Record)
- UPDATE (Modify Existing Record)
- WHEN (When True Then Select)
- WHENxx (When True Then Select)
- WRITE (Create New Records)
- XFOOT (Summing the Elements of an Array)
- XLATE (Translate)
- XML-INTO (Parse an XML Document into a Variable)
- XML-SAX (Parse an XML Document)
- Z-ADD (Zero and Add)
- Z-SUB (Zero and Subtract)